Dulde, mein Stein – Exhibition at Feinkunst Krüger Galerie with Isabell Kamp and Sylvie Ringer https://www.feinkunst-krueger.de

Dulde, mein Stein – Exhibition at Feinkunst Krüger Galerie with Isabell Kamp and Sylvie Ringer https://www.feinkunst-krueger.de
“New Images in the age of Augustus. Power and media in ancient Rome” at Bucerius Kunstforum. Publication and exhibition in October/November 2022 On the occasion of an event during the
Collaboration with rapper and producer Lash and artist Diego Palacios for the production of the video clip Kann das Kunst?
Exhibition Umformung Evelyn Drewes Galerie 31. Juli – 09. September 2020 Chimera Collective, Lukas Glinkowski, Christian Holtmann, Florian Huber, Penny Monogiou, Franziska Reinbothe